I am considering setting up a guest bedroom in our house. Plus, I just love the thought of a decorating project! I have never setup a guest bedroom that guests would actually use before. I had an extra bedroom setup at
my old house, but never had anyone actually stay over. If I have a guest bedroom I want it to be very nice. Relaxing and comfortable like these rooms...

1 2 3 4 5I love the above rooms because they have the crisp white bedding and comfortable upholstered headboards. They are simple with just a little bit of color. I love color though, but I don't want to make my in-laws sleep in a hot pink bedroom. I can put my love of pink aside for one room I suppose. I also love the idea of two twin beds instead of one bed....

1 2 3 4Did you know that two twin beds are the same size as one king bed? I told Cody and he didn't believe me, so I looked up the measurements online. HA! I think that our bedroom is two small to have two twin beds. I would probably go with a full size bed. I posted this room on my blog months ago, I love it so much....
Decor Pad
I don't like to copycat rooms, but I think its just the right amount of color. I love everything about it. Fresh flowers, chrome, pops of orange and the awesome ottoman at the end of the bed. I kinda want to do kelly green or lime green in the guest bedroom though with lots of crisp white linens. Keep it simple.
What is your idea of the perfect guest room?
What would you like in the room to make it feel relaxing for you?
I would love to add a television to the room, but I don't even have one in my own bedroom!! Also this room would be decorated on a thrift store / IKEA budget!
I love #5. My guest room needs desperate help right now. Basically there's a bed in there with some old bedding on it. Not very appealing I admit.