My Guest Bedroom {Painting Furniture}
One thing I did last week was painted my furniture for my guest bedroom. I am not a fan of dark wood. I love white crisp furniture. It really gives a room a clean modern look.

I used to always use KILZ primer whenever I did any DIY projects. I recently switched to Bulls Eye Primer and love it! I was lucky because the headboard and nightstand that I was painting didn't even need to be sanded. I painted the furniture with a small roller and applied 2 coats of primer.

I painted everything in one day. I never pay attention to the recommended dry times. (I don't recommend being like me. Inpatient!) I applied 3 coats of semi-gloss white paint purchased from Walmart. I probably should of used high-gloss paint, but I already had the semi-gloss so it saved me money.

So what do you think? I am very happy with the finished product. I was going to paint the nightstand yellow but decided I didn't want to over due the color in the room. It's not for me, but guests! Plus, I can add color with the bedding. I can't wait to setup the bed and finish all the details of the room!
base house,
guest bedroom,
painted furniture
MOSAIC - April 2012
My Life Recap / April 2012
*I was still in Ohio visiting family and friends
*I got a bike
*Took some great pictures of Cincinnati
*Went to the Krohn Flower Show
*Visited the Columbus Zoo for the first time
*Headed back to Wyoming
*Decided to setup a guest bedroom in our house
*Finally got an expedit bookcase from IKEA
It was a great month! Ready to see what May has in store for me. :)
Monthly Mosaic
Whole Food Recipe {Strawberry Muffins}
1 medium banana, mashed
1 15oz can sweet potato puree (we used an actual sweet potato)
1/4 cup 100% pure maple syrup
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 cups whole oat flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
1/4 teaspoon ginger
1 cup fresh strawberries, diced
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees. In a large bowl, combine the mashed banana, sweet potato puree, maple syrup, and vanilla extract.
In a small bowl, combine the oat flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. Transfer the mixture to a large bowl and mix together gently until well combined. Avoid over-mixing to prevent toughness in the final product. Fold in the strawberries.
Spoon the batter into silicone muffin cups and bake for 20 minutes or until the muffins are lightly browned. Remove from the oven and let cool for 5 minutes. Store the muffins in an airtight container.
*This recipe was originally for blueberry muffins. We didn't have blueberries, so we used strawberries! Just replace the cup of strawberries with blueberries!
Visit my Whole Food Page where I have links to all my recipes and information!
Fashion Friday: The Union Jack
Happy Friday everybody! I haven't done a fashion post in weeks. I was browsing Delia's website and saw some really cute Union Jack tank tops! Here are some of my favorite things on the Delia's website...
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Go over to Kori's blog, Blonde Episodes to be part of Fashion Fridays!
You can view all my Fashion posts by clicking {HERE}. Have a great weekend!
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You can view all my Fashion posts by clicking {HERE}. Have a great weekend!
Todays Color
Whale Wars: Viking Shores
This Friday Animal Planet is showing a new mini series, Whale Wars: Viking Shores. A lot of people I know roll their eyes or laugh at me when I tell them that I love the TV series Whales Wars. It is probably one of the only "reality" shows on television that actually is about an issue that is important. If only people would open their eyes to a cause like saving whales and dolphins the way they glue themselves to the TV when American Idol is on. I blog about this and talk about it, because I hope to get more people on board with me. It's very frustrating to me to not have people in my life that feel as strongly about this issue as I do. Hurtful when I am teased about even liking the show. It's not just a show, it's important. The Sea Shepherd's have been fighting whaling way before Animal Planet gave them a TV series.

Watching Whale Wars has opened my eyes to things that I didn't even know were happening in the world. I actually care about our planet now and saving our oceans. The most mind boggling thing to me is the people who do the whaling. How do they go to bed at night knowing they killed innocent animals. Not only do they kill them, the methods are inhumane. Critics call Paul Watson (the leader of the Sea Shepherd's) a terrorist and a violent person. Yet, the people saying that usually are the ones who are clubbing a dolphins head violently while the animals blood flows into the sea. A bit ironic huh? Who's the true terrorist in that situation? We need more people like Paul Watson and the Sea Shepherd's in the world, or I fear there will be no world someday. Not sure if you want to watch the show or not? This 4 minute video is a great view into this mini series that is starting this Friday night...
I hope that you may open your heart to being part of this cause. We are given the gift of nature and given the ability to live here on this planet and coexist with the wildlife. It's just another beautiful thing about life, let's protect it....

Sea Shepherd
Animal Planet: Whale Wars
Save Japan Dolphins
Sea Shepherd
Animal Planet: Whale Wars
Save Japan Dolphins
I'm Glad I Exist
I love the way all the bright colored pillows POP!
This room is lovely also..
Design Manifest
living rooms,
Things I *heart*
Thrifty Finds {Decor 4 My Guest Bedroom}
Once I decided that I wanted to make a guest bedroom in our home, I knew it was going to have to be on a tight budget! I really didn't want to just drive down to IKEA and buy a bunch of furniture. I wanted to be thrifty! I went to my local antique shops, thrifts stores and I was super lucky!!!

I loved the lines of the frame! I am going to cover the floral part with a pretty fabric or paint a picture to place in the frame, not sure yet. I use scrapbook paper a lot to make artwork and pictures POP more...

I loved that Cody went shopping with me. He actually helped me pick out the furniture. It was nice doing it together and letting him have a say in what we bought for the room. He loved the vintage chair. (Probably loved the price more, $18!) We figured it was a great chair to have reupholstered someday. It does rock, so if I ever have a baby someday it's a great nursery chair. I picture it covered in some orange vinyl!

I did also get a pair of chairs for our living room and a very cool mid-century modern dresser! I will have a before and after of the chairs next week! The dresser wouldn't fit in the car, so we have to go pick it up next weekend. I can't wait to get the guest bedroom decorated. I will be painting the nightstand and headboard this week. You can see my design board for my guest bedroom {HERE}.
The books are for guests to read. I spent around $8 for all of them.
I found many picture frames that I can spray paint and frame some cute artwork in quickly! I have to have the guest bedroom decorated by the first week in June. I was so excited to find all this stuff because usually when I go thrifting I find maybe one or two things. Here is a close up of the tacky floral art I found...
The picture frame will be spray painted white.
I love this Woodsy the owl picture. The bedroom will have a very "Think Green" theme, so I found this picture very fitting. This is also why I am trying to buy mostly second hand items to decorate with. It really makes it fun and exciting! I like looking at the room knowing that I saved stuff from going to a landfill, I saved tons of money and it has a cute vintage flair. It's really a win win situation. Here is some of the furniture we found for the room....
I am linking up over at Her Library Adventures!
Go over to her blog to see what goodies everyone else found over the weekend!
base house,
thrift store,
thrifty finds
Whole Food Recipe {Broccoli Soup}
It takes me forever to cook. I am horrible at cutting up all the veggies and multiply tasking in the kitchen. The end result was delicious though, even with me doing the cooking! This soup has potatoes, carrots, cashews and a red bell pepper in it! Many great flavors all packed into one soup!
Recipe by Anastasia St. John \\ Compassionate Diet and Lifestyle Advocate
6 cups vegetable stock
1 rounded cup of raw cashews (look for cashews that have no added oil)
1 medium onion, finely chopped
1 celery stalk, finely chopped
1 large carrot, chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1 red bell pepper, chopped
2 medium unpeeled potatoes, cubed
1 large head broccoli, including stem, chopped (about 4 cups)
2 teaspoons dried thyme
1 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
- Puree 1 cup of the vegetable stock with the cashews in a blender until smooth. Set aside.
- In a large pot, cook the onion, celery and carrot over medium heat in 1 cup of the vegetable stock for 5 minutes.
- Add the garlic, bell pepper and potatoes and cook for 2 more minutes.
- Add the remaining 4 cups of vegetable stock and the broccoli, thyme, salt and black pepper and bring to a boil over high heat.
- Cover and simmer until the broccoli and potatoes are soft, about 10 minutes.
- Add the cashew mixture to the soup and stir until mixed.
- Remove the pot from heat and puree about half the soup, in small batches, until smooth.
- Return pureed soup to the pot and reheat, stirring well. Serve.
The "i" Statements Challenge
i was … just out shopping with Cody, one of my favorite things to do.
i am … always excited for the next road trip.
i think … people need to not let life pass them by.
i wonder … if I could handle a Sea Shepherd expedition.
i wish … I could travel non stop and see the world.
i save … every card Cody has even given me.
i always … recycle as much as possible.
i can’t imagine … not being who I am now, I have changed so much.
i believe … that everyone should get out and explore nature.
i promise … to always look at the glass half full.
i love … my life and a fresh cup of coffee. ( I am having coffee right now!)
The "i" statements challenge is originally from Becky Higgins.
Please feel free to repost the questions on your blog!
Hope everyone has a great weekend!
*my misc life stuff*
Design Board - My Guest Bedroom {think green}
I have been dreaming up a design for My Guest Bedroom. I want to buy most of my stuff from antique shops and thrift stores. (minus the mattress and bedding. Gross.) I am not against buying a cool vintage bedspread or blanket if it's clean. I am obsessed with the color green {today} and being GREEN. I thought it would be cute and fun to kinda have that theme in the guest bedroom...

The bed frame is from IKEA. The pillow is from JcPenney. Everything else is just things I found doing google image searches for vintage items and earth related artwork. The bedding is from Macy's....

I love the crisp clean look of this bedding. I think it would be perfect to balance out all the bright accessories I would like to put into the room. The price on the other hand, NO!!! I could never spend that much on bedding. I am not wired that way. I think it's an easy look and style to duplicate on a shoe string budget. (It's just white!) I am sure I can find something at Ross, TJ Maxx or Home Goods. I decided that my vintage green curtains were a great inspiration piece for my design. Green looks good with so many colors, but I lean towards adding pops of yellow and aquas to the room. I think the color scheme will go well with vintage accessories and furniture.

1 2 3 I am sure kelly green and yellow is out of style this year. Seems like last year that is all you saw everywhere. Well lucky for me I don't follow design trends,...I follow what my heart desires. (You should 2!) As much as I want to stick to only shopping for things at thrift stores, I am sure I will find some cute little ceramic owl on a clearance rack at Pier 1! With all this said, I am going shopping today. The sun is out and it's way to nice to sit inside on my computer.
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base house,
Design Boards,
guest bedroom,
Jessie Designs Stuff,
kelly green,
My Expedit Bookcase
I have wanted an expedit bookcase from IKEA for years! I kept holding off because I dread moving it every time we move. I was sick of my dining room having a big blank wall, so I just bought one!!! YAY!

I was even more excited to find out it now comes in high gloss white. I am glad I waited, because I really love the high gloss stuff that IKEA sells.
Watch my slide show to see my expedit come to life...
The bottom shelves will be full of photo albums and some pretty storage boxes. That's a project for another day! I am so excited to have something in my dining room finally! Our place is really starting to feel like a HOME.

My mom had kept all my plants for me when we moved out to Wyoming. We didn't have a safe way to take them with us and no extra space in our cars. I brought home a few with me after visiting, since I drove. My large Peace Lilly is so tall. It would not fit on top of any of my other bookcases without being smashed up against the ceiling. The expedit was a perfect place to house my plants.

I am so happy to have my greenhouse now! I wanted it as soon as I saw it on the IKEA website. We were going to buy seeds and try to grow herbs, but we just go to the store and stare at the selection. We bought jalapeno plants instead. Not sure what we will put in the middle pot yet. Hopefully I don't kill them.

I got some great cookbooks while in Ohio. One store I miss very much is Half Price Books. I paid less then $30 for all the cookbooks. If you ever get a chance to go to Half Price Books,...GO! The other great thing about the expedit bookcase is that I was able to pretty much fill it with all my last items that were homeless and stored in the closet. Somehow it all worked together I think! I still have a lot of Vinylmation Figurines that aren't displayed though. I hope to get a curio for the rest of my collection.

My dining area is a perfect place for my vintage pyrex, vintage glassware, teapots, Vinylmations and Alice in Wonderland stuff! I originally wanted a vintage buffet that I could paint bright yellow, but I am sick of looking. I have always wanted an expedit and feel it was a perfect fit. I really would love to get a bold printed rug for under the table and chairs! That I will keep looking for. Also my walls would be painted turquoise if I was aloud to paint! (So sick of rentals!)
See my precious post of my kitchen and dining area {HERE}
See my "wrapping paper" makeover in my bookcase that houses my Alice in Wonderland collection {HERE}
base house,
dining room,
Inspiration: Guest Bedroom
I am considering setting up a guest bedroom in our house. Plus, I just love the thought of a decorating project! I have never setup a guest bedroom that guests would actually use before. I had an extra bedroom setup at my old house, but never had anyone actually stay over. If I have a guest bedroom I want it to be very nice. Relaxing and comfortable like these rooms...

1 2 3 4 5 I love the above rooms because they have the crisp white bedding and comfortable upholstered headboards. They are simple with just a little bit of color. I love color though, but I don't want to make my in-laws sleep in a hot pink bedroom. I can put my love of pink aside for one room I suppose. I also love the idea of two twin beds instead of one bed....

1 2 3 4 Did you know that two twin beds are the same size as one king bed? I told Cody and he didn't believe me, so I looked up the measurements online. HA! I think that our bedroom is two small to have two twin beds. I would probably go with a full size bed. I posted this room on my blog months ago, I love it so much....
Decor Pad
I don't like to copycat rooms, but I think its just the right amount of color. I love everything about it. Fresh flowers, chrome, pops of orange and the awesome ottoman at the end of the bed. I kinda want to do kelly green or lime green in the guest bedroom though with lots of crisp white linens. Keep it simple.
What is your idea of the perfect guest room?
I would love to add a television to the room, but I don't even have one in my own bedroom!! Also this room would be decorated on a thrift store / IKEA budget!
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1 2 3 4
What is your idea of the perfect guest room?
What would you like in the room to make it feel relaxing for you?
I would love to add a television to the room, but I don't even have one in my own bedroom!! Also this room would be decorated on a thrift store / IKEA budget!
guest bedroom,
Thrifty Finds
I am so glad to be home again after my trip to Ohio. It has taken me a few days to get used to the Mountain time zone and my daily routine. I had lots of unpacking to do. Cody had the house so nice and clean,.....then I came home with all my crap. I did some shopping while in Ohio. I didn't buy to much, but I did want to share with you a few things that I found while thrifting!
Cincinnati Mug & Flour Canister
I hope to find the whole canister set! (Sugar, Coffee & Tea)
Pair of Brass Lamps $8.00

I found the great {ugly} pair of lamps for $8 at Goodwill! Mandi from Vintage Revivals has taught me that anything brass and ugly from the thrift store can be transformed into something beautiful! Also, if you ever find a matching pair BUY THEM. It's a rare thing to find a pair still together. We are considering setting up a guest bedroom and these would be perfect bedside lamps. They will be painted yellow, turquoise or lime green. The best part about buying the lamps was Cody's face. So much fear. He doesn't always see my design vision. LOL I also got a few cute pieces of clothing while thrifting....

I got all this for $12.69! The best thing is the Harajuka Lover's purse.
It retails for $14 new at a discount store like Ross. I got it for $1.99.
Bird Vase

This cute vase was only 75 cents! I love things with birds on them.

Apparently I am going to start collecting globes, as if I need another thing to collect! HA! I had thought about buying a few our last trip to Brass Armadillo but held off. Well we decided to go to IKEA and Brass Armadillo over the weekend. I picked up both the globes at the Brass Armadillo for only $35. Collection started. Globes do take up a lot of space, so I don't plan on just buying any. I like smaller ones which seem to be harder to find. I did also buy some goodies from IKEA. I can't wait to share them with you, but that will be for another post this week! Lots of decorating happening at my house. I want it to feel finished and more like HOME! Hope you all had a great weekend!
I am linking up over at: Her Library Adventures & Apron Thrift Girl
Check these blogs out for more great thrifting finds or share your own every Monday!
I hope to find the whole canister set! (Sugar, Coffee & Tea)
Pair of Brass Lamps $8.00
Bengals Jersey, Love is Everything Shirt, Jeans, Pink Skirt and Purse!
I got all this for $12.69! The best thing is the Harajuka Lover's purse.
It retails for $14 new at a discount store like Ross. I got it for $1.99.
Bird Vase
This cute vase was only 75 cents! I love things with birds on them.
Check these blogs out for more great thrifting finds or share your own every Monday!
thrift store,
thrifty finds
The Columbus Zoo
Last weekend I went to the Columbus Zoo with a few friends. I had never been to the Columbus Zoo. It's pretty large and the top rated zoo in the country. I will say it's the only zoo that I have ever been to and not gotten lost. The layout makes it simple to see everything and not have to keep looking at the map every 5 minutes.

There I am with the WORLD!!!

They had Kangaroo's! I haven't see Kangaroo's at a zoo before!

My friend Cam is looking at the map wondering, "How big is this zoo?"

I have a huge fear of sharks, that is why I am pouting in the picture above.
We took a little boat ride while at the zoo...

My favorite sign at the zoo...
We had a lot of fun! I look forward to going again someday. Cody and I hope to go to the Denver Zoo soon. I love going to the zoo and hope to visit many more in my lifetime.
There I am with the WORLD!!!
They had Kangaroo's! I haven't see Kangaroo's at a zoo before!
My friend Cam is looking at the map wondering, "How big is this zoo?"
I have a huge fear of sharks, that is why I am pouting in the picture above.
We took a little boat ride while at the zoo...
My favorite sign at the zoo...
*my misc life stuff*,
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