I had so many great people that I wanted to share this month on my blog, that I decided to do two sponsorship & friends posts. You can view the first one
here if you missed it.
Let me introduce you to some more awesome people and their blogs....

Meet Lexie from Blue Wonderful

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My name's Lexie. I am an artist living in East Lansing, Michigan. I love painting, drawing, and printmaking. I also like going outdoors, dying my hair, baking, spending time with my boyfriend, taking photos, shopping, and reading.
Meet Karen from The Quiet Owl

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Hello! My name is Karen and I'm a 20 something grad school student living in the South. I do some regular posts on my blog, The Quiet Owl, including What I Wore Wednesday, Thrifty Thursday, Food Friday, and Amazing Anime on Sunday. I love finding vintage treasures, playing with my 2 dogs, spending time with my wonderful husband, and strolling through nature. I hope you'll come and visit me on my blog!
Meet Amanda from Amanda K By The Bay

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Hello! I'm a recent college graduate living in Bellingham, Washington. After being inspired by so many great blogs out there, I decided to join the fun and start my own. My blog is a place for me to get a little creative, and share the things I love. On the top of that list is fresh sushi, a good thrift store, a strong cup of coffee and a soft scarf. I have lived in the Pacific Northwest my whole life, and feel so fortunate to live in such a beautiful area of the US. I have had so much fun getting to know people in the blogging community while discovering a new hobby. I currently work as a skin and makeup consultant at Macy's, and am planning on getting my master's degree in the near future. I currently live with my boyfriend of five years, Tommy.
Meet Carol from Calypte Collection

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Calypte Collection by Carol is the home of Handmade Statement Jewelry on
Etsy. I am a wildlife biologist by day and a jewelry designer by night, (and weekends...and early mornings...and lunch breaks…and even in my dreams!). Jewelry making, and crafting have been a passion since I was a small girl, thanks to Grandma! I’ve gotten my hands into almost everything from scrapbooking, sewing, card making, sculpting, painting, knitting, crochet…! If you can craft it, I will try it!!
Meet Daisy from Boux Who

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My name is Daisy Watson, i was born on the 30th of August, 1991. I live in Kent, England. (just outside of London) I studied art at school, where my teacher told me it was okay for my work to not make sense, which is the best thing i ever learnt in education. Apart from that, i am pretty much a self taught artist. I love to illustrate and it is my dream to write and illustrate my own children's books. I have 4 cats, and i am unashamedly a crazy cat lady. Prior warning- i swear a lot. I love cooking and baking cupcakes. I am inspired by music, cats, birds, the sky, pylons, telephone wires, cute things, fluffy things, colourful things, and feeling happy.
Meet Chris & Julia from A Living Space

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Chris: A recent graduate of Bard College with a major in Photography, I am now teaching Photo and Video at a private boarding high school and pursuing new avenues of artistic exploration using inexpensive mediums.
Julia: Originally from Oregon, I graduated from Bard College in 2010 with a degree in Studio Art and French Studies. Now I'm teaching art, working at a children's museum, making my own art, and enjoying having my own place to decorate.
Together we live in a lovely apartment in Groton, Massachusetts with our cat, Bella, and our dog, Odo. We are constantly trying to improve the style and functionality of our small space on an equally small budget. We love shopping at thrift stores and yard/estate sales to find the best deals on amazing everything (furniture, decor, kitchenware, etc.); we'll keep you posted on our best finds for ourselves and for sale in our Etsy shop. In addition, we will share some of our simple DIY projects and style inspirations, as well as our own art projects. Now that we're engaged, we'll also be sharing our adventures in wedding planning!

Please go visit them and say HELLO!
If you are interested in being part of My Mod Style, I would LOVE to have you.
My ad space is half off for the rest of the year or we can swap!
Please visit my sponsorship page for full details!!!
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