I purchased this bike more for mountain biking, notice the bigger thick tires. I thought living in Wyoming and near some awesome parks, this was the "sport" I was going to get into. Also like most people I just went to a box store to pick out a bike. I spent $100 on this bike and thought it was such a good deal. I loved it because it was white. Not overly girly, but pretty. Riding it the first time (in the above photo) I was so awkward. I wrecked once in my parents yard, on grass luckily. However I did crash in the store while trying it out.
For most people a bicycle from a box store is probably okay. It all depends on what you want to do. If you plan to do casual bike rides every once in awhile on paved flat surfaces then you probably would be okay on a Huffy type bike. I also only bought the Huffy to make sure that I was even going to like riding a bike. No one wants to spend tons of money on something and then NOT use it. Kinda like buying exercise equipment!
As I rode my bike more and more I realized that I really enjoyed being outdoors peddling away. Cheyenne is rated the 4th windiest city in the United States, which means it's windy almost everyday. When I say wind, it's like 20 - 40 m.p.h. on average. Riding a bike in the wind is a total workout. Also the high altitude makes the air thinner making it harder to breath when you are out on the bike. Fast forward to a bike ride that Cody and I did four months after having the Huffy....

It was a trail located in Ft. Collins, Colorado. Probably the most scenic trail I've seen so far. You are looking at the Rocky Mountains while peddling. This trail killed me. I couldn't even bike for an hour. It was hill after hill causing me to run out of oxygen very quickly. I actually had a meltdown. I started crying and threw my bike to the ground. It was that day that I realized my Huffy was working against me. I knew there was no way I was that out of shape. It wasn't till I visited an actually bike shop that I learned what the problem was.
I weigh around 85 pounds. Try not to roll your eyes, I'm very short. The size of a child actually. HA! The bike shop owner asked me if I knew how heavy my Huffy was. It weighted in at 48 pounds. OUCH! This was the main reason I was struggling so hard. Between the strong Cheyenne wind and the weight of my bike, I wasn't able to move. The bike was half my weight and I was trying to push through the wind on it. So this is a little lesson for you guys. Box store bikes will weigh more, which means more peddling and weight that you have to physical peddle around. These bikes are made from aluminum, which is heavy. Bike shops and the high end bike brands still sell aluminum bikes, but they are geared differently then box store bikes.

When I decided to buy a better quality bike I had also decided that I wanted to stick with road biking. Mountain biking scares me. I imagine that it's a great adrenaline rush and you do get to be really close to nature by actually biking in the woods. There was a day that I had to take my bike off the pavement and ride on a dirt road for a few minutes. It was so bumpy and uncomfortable. I hated it instantly. It doesn't mean that someday I won't get into mountain biking, but it's just not what I want to do right now.
Cannondale in my opinion makes the most beautiful bikes. Once people get into cycling they usually pick one brand that they favor over others. When I bought my Cannondale it was the only bike in the shop that would actually fit me. It's was a youth sized bike made for children's triathlons. As soon as I took the first ride on it, I couldn't believe the difference. It was smooth, faster, lighter and more fun. Finally, I could peddle in the wind and hills would kick my butt as much.

The more we rode our bikes, the more I felt that this was becoming a new passion and hobby. It's really like free therapy. I mean it. Cody and I get stressed a lot from our "military" lifestyle. We get down and lonely often. However as soon as we hop on the bikes it's like you forget everything. The stress just melts away. It's great exercise, you get to be outside and it's fun.
Since my Cannondale was a youth bike and for triathlons it was not geared the same as Cody's bike. Keeping up with him has been hard. It wasn't going to work for what my long term goals were with cycling. I should of waited and not just hurried up and bought the bike, but honestly at the time I had a budget set in my head. I knew what I wanted to spend on my bike and that bike fit into that. Fast forward to NOW. This year I have big plans. I want to bike my little heart out. 100 mile long rides, group rides and lots of hills. That's why this happened....

I'm really not this "bad-ass"! The Sea Shepherd jersey just makes me look like I am.

In a perfect world my bike would have some pink on it. Bikes with pink on them are hard to find. I love the clean black and white look though. My previous bike was all black and didn't fit me at all. This bike even has some silver glitter on it! SCORE! I am so in love with it. My first ride was at night with the bike shop owner. He took me for a ride around a few blocks. I had never rode in the dark, it was pretty exciting. He taught me how to properly get on my bike. Sadly I still don't really get off the bike well. I have a habit of bailing and jumping off the seat quickly. The next day we took it out for a ride, which are what all these photos are from.

After a stressful day at work, hoping on the bike made all my problems seem so trivial. It was around 65 degrees out and the sun was warm on my skin. Listening to the birds chirp as I rode by them felt awesome. Spring is almost here. I can't wait to start gaining strength in my legs so that I am faster and stronger. This year is going to be full of some great rides!!!
You can view all my biking related posts HERE.
Cannondale website HERE.
All the images are linked to their original posts if you want to check them out.
You've had so many bikes in such a short time. I really enjoyed this post about your bike journey. It;s cool to see where your passion for something started.
ReplyDeleteI am glad you liked this post Cazz. I thought it may be too boring and people wouldn't enjoy it. I was super excited to show off my new bike though!! :)
DeleteYou're right, I think a bike ride would be a great way to blow away the day's troubles :)
It's so fun being outside! I run around all day having to think about so much, then going outside and being on the bike just lifts it all away. Plus it's exercise that doesn't feel like exercise,...even though it's a huge workout and really kicks my butt! ;)
DeleteWow! I love seeing how you got all "pro" throughout the pictures. It really inspires me... I can see how biking can become a therapy!
ReplyDeletehahaha I look "pro" but sure don't feel it yet. I can't wait to start getting to FEEL pro. It's fun though and I know I will get to meet some amazing people this year cycling. It's just a win win situation is so many ways. :)
DeleteHow fun that you finally have this awesome bike to continue your hobby! I like biking actually but I hate it when I HAVE to do it. For example when I have to go to school with it. Sometimes in the rain of the snow, bah! Haha. I prefer running though, gives me a rush :) xo
ReplyDeleteOh that I could totally understand HATING. I couldn't imagine having to bike every day. The weather in Cheyenne is so crazy. I think I would freeze to death in the winter. I loved running as a child but haven't done it in years. I also grew up playing Soccer. I wish I would up never quit playing it. Soccer is a lot of running!!
Delete18 pounds! That's so light. Nice that you enjoy biking - I haven't been able to bike in foreer (and my huffy is crazy rusted I realized yesterday)
ReplyDeleteOh that's horrible that your bike is rusted! What a bummer! You would adorable riding a bike with all your cute outfits. I hope to do any outfit post with my bike sometime this summer. I was telling my dad how much my bike was and he couldn't believe it. Then he started talking about his fishing rods being made from carbon as well. hahaha Dad's are so funny.
DeleteThis makes me want to get a bike!! It's been so long :)
ReplyDeleteYou should totally get a bike. Especially with summer coming! I love it so very much, as you can see by my post. ;) lol
DeleteLike I said from the previous post you had, I would LOVE to hang out with you in Ft. Collins (even if it means coming back every once and a while to go cycling). I would LOVE to do that as well with you and Cody, with my man. It'd be fun if you could teach us!
ReplyDeleteDo you guys have some bikes you can ride on?? Heck, you probably have beautiful trails near you I am sure. Colorado is full of all kinds of trails that I haven't explored yet! It would be fun to meet up sometime. :) I'd like to see whats around your area as well. Riding in the mountains is so lovely!!!
DeleteWe do have bikes, but not carbon based (which is what we need). I'd LOVE to make it into something to do because I absolutely loved riding bikes for 6 months straight when we didn't have a car.
DeleteProbably not near me, but maybe in Palisade. We should DEFINITELY do this one day in the near future (even if its way later on in this year). How much did your Carbon Cannondale cost you? Just wanting to know so I can save up to do this! It would be sooooo much fun. :]
LOL!!! Love these pictures. Looks like you have a NEW FOUND LOVE with biking!!! Enjoy!!!
ReplyDelete7eventh Letter
Thanks G! It is a new love. :) It's nice to have a new hobby in a new town.
DeleteI love that you called it your new "big girl" bike. I used to say that about other things, like a "big girl" job and whatnot. I also love that you stayed cheap with the bike. My bike is also around $100 buck, possibly less- it's been a while, in what I paid. I just wanted something that does the job and that it does. So it's a bit banged up but it gets me from A to B.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the above commenter. I love all of your photos and that you found a passion with biking. When I was on Facebook I had a photo album called "Adventures with Biking" where I take pictures along the way, to show people how biking really lets you stop and smell the roses per se and see things from a different view that being in a car never will. Most people didn't seem to care for those photos but whatever, they made me happy. :)
I think those photos would be awesome. I feel like that's what my biking posts kinda are, adventures!! That was my word for this year. "Adventure". I wish I could say that my Cannondale was cheap, but it was not. When I bought the Huffy that was my budget and seemed "high" at the time. For what I want to do, like climb the Rocky Mountains, I could never use a Huffy. I had to buy " a big girl bike " with a " big price tag ". LOL We look at is an investment in our health and it's one of our only hobbies. So it's worth it in the end.
DeleteI hear ya. I was referring to the first bike you shared at the top and how I can relate because I also got crazy amounts of joy from a cheap bike. I totally get the investment in health. I've said that about many things in my life and heck I said that about my bike.
DeleteThat is awesome that you've found a bike that really works for you. I can't imagine trying to bike those trails with that wind! It looks beautiful though!
ReplyDeleteThanks Karen. It's NOT easy and I yell profanities often. lol Especially up hills! It's awesome though and worth it in the end.