I'm doing my own 365 Day Project by taking a photo a day this year.

Loved this movie! Great message about how we all need to love the environment.

I painted my favorite quote from The Lorax movie to hang in my bedroom.

Recipe: Hawaiian Chickpeas

This was #29 on my 32 Things List, Surprise Someone.

Painted my home office Mint Green!

"It takes COURAGE to think outside the box!" said by a Farmer who killed animals his entire life, then went Vegan.

The Walking Dead returned! I shared some of my Instagram photos.

What I Wore #13 // California Love & Red Pants

The Collecting Colour Challenge: February color combo, Blue & White

Attempting to learn the functions on my camera.

I learned that not all "NOT animal tested" products are actually vegan.

Recipe: Chocolate Banana Pancakes & Tofu Scramble
I am really not ready to say goodbye to February yet. I am however ready to say goodbye to cold weather and snow. I feel like the month just started. This month Cody and I spent a lot of time going to bed early and watching movies. Except Sunday nights when we stay up later to watch The Walking Dead. I do feel like my office is coming together now. I still have to build our desks and hang stuff on the walls. There won't be too many home improvement projects happening in the month of March. We have to save as much money as possible for our up coming trip to Ohio to visit family and friends. (Most of them don't even know we are coming yet!) Maybe I can "surprise" some of them.
So what does March mean to me? Well I am getting my brand new bike, post to come I am sure. Hopefully some biking outside! Probably some pink hair. I have an exciting thing I am planning with a friend that is vegan related. Some great fashion review posts on the blog that I can't wait to do. I want to do a VLOG in March as well. Hope to get some more things accomplished on my 32 Things List! One thing on my list is learn how to knit. Does anyone know how to knit? I so want to learn, but don't know where to start!
I feel like I asked a lot of questions in this post...
I cannot wait for february to be over. That just means another day closer to spring, which is another season closer to my most favorite time of SUMMER! Summer is Germany is AWESOME!
ReplyDeleteI can't imagine how wonderful Germany is. I'll get there someday!!!! :)
DeleteSeems like March is going to be awesome! So fun that you're going to Ohio :) xo
ReplyDeleteI think so! I am pretty excited about going and posting about it. :)
DeleteI want to see The Lorax!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's so good.
DeleteAsk Love Elycia, Elycia is BOMB at knitting!
ReplyDeleteI actually saved something of hers to Pinterest for future reference. I am such a hands on learner. I almost need a class or something. I did find some videos online though. Someday I hope to make a blanket, unless I end up hating knitting. ;)
DeleteYou sound like me! I can't do anything unless its either online or hands on. Try to explain it to me and I'm just like, show me!