
MY PROM @ 30

Yes this is my Fashion Friday post. It's about me having a pretend Prom at the age of 30! When I was in high school I never had the chance to go to Prom. I am not super girly, but my heart melts when I look at all the pretty dresses in the department stores. I always give Cody a hard time about NOT taking me even though we didn't know each other yet. I am turning 30 at the end of this year and thought a Prom type photo shoot would be fun to do. Now that I moved away from my family and friends there is no chance of a big party. I don't want to just sit and do nothing on my birthday! Cody is a good sport and said we should do it. I have been looking online at dresses like crazy. I know the dress I would of picked out in high school would of been a lot different then what I want now. I hated pink in high school,...can you believe that??

I am posting some photos of dresses I love and some that I just kinda like. I would love your feedback on what you think would work best for me. Or if you just think a dress is plan awful looking. I am drawn to purple dresses for some reason and Cody said he'd like to see me in red. (Which I could not find either purple or red online that I liked. Go figure!) I have a few months to figure this out and find a photographer. Here are the dresses that I have selected so far...

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What I think about each dress for myself:

1. Hailey Logan Dress - Love the soft pink, but scared I would look like a petite Barbie doll. Wish it came in darker colors.

2. Jump Halter Dress - Love everything about this dress except the color. Pretty sure that I could go shopping and find a similar dress in a different color. Halter dresses look good on me. I think Cody would hate the ruffles though. lol

3. Blondie Nite-Out Dress - Very sexy and I love leopard print. Cody hates animal print anything. I think it would fit me well and I feel I could wear it again. It may not be "dressy" enough to give me the prom feel I want.

4. Jump Strapless Dress - Of course I love this dress,...IT'S HOT PINK! I hate strapless dresses on me though. Not sure if this style would look good on my petite SHORT body.

Can you see why I want help and feedback?

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What I think about each dress for myself:

5. Jodi Kristopher Ombre Dress - Simple and beautiful. Not sure if it is dressy enough and I have very fair skin for a white dress.

6. B. Darlin Ruched Halter Dress - Love this dress but not sure about the color. I love the back of the dress also. (picture on website)

7. Blondie Nites One-Shoulder Dress - I think this would be cute on me. If you hate it, please tell me. lol

8. Jump One-Shoulder Dress - Love the simple colors and the fit. Not sure if the one-shoulder look is right for me though.

Dresses 1 - 8 are all from Dillards

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What I think about each dress for myself:

9. Ruby Rox Pick-Up Belted Dress - Love the color and LOVE the price!!! It is on clearance for $27! I like the simple look and the black bow. This one is one of my favorites.

10. Ruby Rox Sequin Waist Tube Dress - I like this because it is black and white with a hint of silver. Strapless, but I am willing to try it on because I love everything else so much.

11. Sleeveless One Shoulder Jump Dress - Love the animal print and tulle skirt! Very cute dress and probably would fit me well.

12. Ruby Rox Flocked Tie-Waist Dress (purple) - This may be cute on. It is one of the only purple dresses I liked. I guess I like the ruffled look because most the dresses I picked have it!

Dresses 9 - 12 are from Macy's and JCPenney.

What do you think? Is this a crazy dumb idea? If I do decide to do this I am open to suggestions for the actually photo shoot. Cody and I plan to also get photos of us together with him in his dress blues. We haven't had any real photos together since our wedding 5 years ago. If anything the dresses are fun to look at and a girl is aloud to dream! Please leave me comments about what you think of the dresses or vote for your favorite dress using the poll in my sidebar area!

Go over to Kori's blog, Blonde Episodes to be part of Fashion Fridays!
You can view all my Fashion posts by clicking {HERE}. Have a great weekend!


DecoholicYellow Sofa
Pics Decor & Eclectic Revisited
Yellow & White DecorYellow Sofa / Yellow Walls
Life & Styles of Tamara NicoleLiving Room - Yellow Accents
Indie Pretty ProjectsYellow Kitchen
Elements at HomeBeautiful Yellow Door


I'm A Giant Challenge {dollhouse decorating}

Have you heard about the Dollhouse Decorating Challenge that Emily Henderson is hosting? I found out about the challenge on Nicole's blog Making it Lovely.
I think it's a wonderful idea. Before I moved I had this cute perfect dollhouse, now I wish I would have kept it. Emily is encouraging everyone to get involved and spread the word!

Here are the design bloggers in the challenge:

Emily from Secrets from a Stylist

Morgan from The Brick House

Erin from Design for Mankind

Orlando from Hommemaker

Corbett from Girl Domestic

Jenny from Little Green Notebook

Nicole from Making it Lovely

Kirsten from Simply Grove

It is definitely going to be fun to see the end results! Emily had a really good point about how girls shouldn't have to grow up! We should be aloud to keep playing with dollhouses! I think it's a great design outlet and would make a really fun hobby! You can read Emily's full post about the challenge HERE.


Inspiration: Union Jack

There is something I really love about the Union Jack pattern. I love it in bright orange and pink. I have decided to do a painting for my bedroom to add a pop of color. Here are some images I found inspiring...
Design Walitumblr_lcb4t5gA2H1qzs06mo1_500
House to HomeLiving-room41JAX Does Design
Union Jack DresserUnion Jack DresserDecor Pad & Kim Cherry
Union Jack ChairsUnion Jack Rug
AlkemieBedroom / Union Jack


My Vintage Toy Collection

This is the first time I've displayed my toy collection all in one place. I started collecting in 2001 when I worked at The Brass Armadillo Antique Mall. It was my first real job and I worked in the Antique business for a total of 7 years. When you work around antiques and collectibles, you tend to start collecting. It all started with one smurf figurine. Which then turned into 5,....which quickly turned into 150 and some mushroom houses. My collecting has slowed down because space is limited in our apartment. It was better for me to display it in our second bedroom, then keep it all packed up in the totes!
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Now my main focus is on Vinylmations. I have displayed them in our living room. (pictures to come later) I still have some more things to display, but ran out of shelving. I think it is fun to look at everything and some of the items are actually my toys from my childhood. Keeps me feeling young I guess. lol



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This post is part of Fashion Fridays!

Go over to Kori's blog, Blonde Episodes to be part of Fashion Fridays!
You can view all my Fashion posts by clicking {HERE}. Have a great weekend!



Sorry for the lack of posts. I have been super busy the last few days. The movers finally brought the rest of our stuff late last week. I gotta say Cody and I plan to never let anyone touch our stuff again. Most of my furniture got damaged and they lost a few things. I probably will get paid some money back for the damages and loss. No one will ever care or handle your stuff the way you would. People don't care. For example, my IKEA bed frame now has a dent on it from a hammer. Yes, a hammer. I guess someone got a little to excited when hammering our crate closed that contained our bed frame. On a happier note though, we did end up getting paid a good amount of money for all of our traveling. Originally we didn't think we would get paid for much of it or any of it. The Air Force came through for us and made things right. With that said we had some extra money to go buy our TV stand. We decided to drive to the Denver IKEA on Saturday. We took Chloe and Muffins with us. As you can see from Chloe's face, she was very stressed. She hates riding in the car.
IKEA Denver Collage 1When we finally make it to IKEA, this sign was posted....IKEA closed sign
I didn't panic because I know IKEA. They will do anything in their power to re-open their store. They don't like losing money on a Saturday. Cody and I were lucky because their was a mall right by IKEA so we had something to do. The rest of the time we just sat in the car waiting...
IKEA SunIKEA Rainbow
A few hours went by and they finally re-opened. It was great because we pretty much had the store to ourselves! The Denver IKEA has a parking garage. I am not used to that. I was glad it wasn't busy because I don't think I would of been able to remember where Cody parked the car. I fell in love with the Volvo they had in their lobby. As you can see Cody was very excited that we didn't waste a 2 hour drive....
IKEA Store Collage
The IKEA store was nice, but I miss my Ohio IKEA. I really miss working there also! I never thought I would miss my job but I really really do. The people I worked with were awesome and I had a fun job. Now I'm not sure where I will work or what I will do. (That is a post for another day!) We left happy with our new TV stand....
IKEA me boxesHere it is put together and setup in our living room....IKEA TV stands and couch
Yes that is the vintage couch. I really like it. It's not the prettiest thing, but I've seen much worse. I still have lots of finishing touches to do in the living room. I have no artwork for over our couch. I want some throw pillows and I need to re-cover the ottoman. For now I am still hanging pictures and unpacking.




This post is part of Fashion Fridays!

Go over to Kori's blog, Blonde Episodes to be part of Fashion Fridays!
You can view all my Fashion posts by clicking {HERE}. Have a great weekend!


Dose of Jonathan Adler

Can I please cook in this kitchen? I have a soft spot in my heart for all white shiny bright kitchens. Plus, this one has Jonathan Adler accessories. I am so jealous.
Image Source: Decor Pad
I would say 90% of the time that I am decorating for myself I often wonder, "What would Jonathan Adler do?" When I found my vintage green curtains the other day I stared at them trying to decide if they needed to come home with me or not. I hadn't planned on putting green in my living room, but then again I really have no plan. For once there is no design board to follow and I am just using what I find. I see how Jonathan can put together just about any color scheme and it somehow always works! My plan is just go with it and see what happens.

I love this simple white living room. The pops of blues and turquoises from all the JA pillows is so beautiful.
Image Source: Decor Pad

I feel really inspired right now and can't wait to keep finding some great thrift store finds!
Shop Jonathan Adler {HERE}